Dienstag, Juli 26

Page Twelve: Old photos ...

Dear M. I found some old photographs hidden in a book today. Photos of you and daddy when you were young and in love. That is at least what it looks like. They were taken in 1905 according to some scribbling on the back of them - I remember now how beautiful you were, but I could never remember that daddy had so much hair - and no BEARD! He looks just as uncomfortable in front of the camera as he is today, oh daddy why not try smiling at least once in life? I will keep these photographs in my diary from now on, so you'll always be close to me and that I can just look at you whenever I feel like it. Love you forever. XXX Rosie.

(There are three old photographs inserted in the diary here. The first photo is of a couple - a man and a woman looking affectionately at each other, the second photo is of the man, and the third of the woman)

(written in blue ink on the back of this photo is: "Herr und Frau Thyme, Hamburg 1905")

(written in blue ink on the back of this photo: "Ernest Thyme, Hamburg 1905")
(written in blue ink on the back of this photo: Elvira Thyme geb. Steiner, Hamburg 1905, and added underneath in red ink and different handwriting: * 8. August 1885 - † 16. November 1918)

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