Dear M, just before it's time to bed, I thought I'd scribble down a few words. It has been an interesting and rather busy day for me. Lots of tourists have been coming to Berlin, so I've had quite a lot to do guiding them around my beloved Berlin. Two of them later came to der Keller during happy hour which was good, and I danced with one of them for long, so if the blisters that I got under my feet after all the walking and touring, hurt, then it is nothing to what I feel now. Still, it is a nice pain, since I feel that it all have been of some use. By the way, when I guided some people along the Spree kanal, I saw that the ambulance was in the water. I did not know what to say about it then, so I just kept on guiding my "clients". Later our jack-of-all-trades, the baker Morganic Clarrington managed to figure out a way to get up the large vehicle from the water. I am very impressed by that. It's important that the ambulance ought to be available when somebody is hurt ... and it is not very useful when it is in the Spree. Not even if a haddock had a fin fracture. That's all for now, Love you XXX Rose. Now it is time for ZZZZZZ.
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