Freitag, Juli 22

Page five: Working in Berlin

Yes ... I had mainly been enjoying myself in Berlin, so I thought I would get an occupation too, and so I started working for "Kolonialwaren & Lebensmittel Gebrüder Sass", a grocery store quite close to the police station. It was quite fun, and on my second day working I met a newly married couple who entered the store and then I started guiding them instead ... so that is what I have been doing quite a lot of lately, guiding tourists although is more of a job on the side or a hobby ... but it is more fun than standing behind the counter in a store all day. Anyway, it's better than nothing in these insecure times. I've inserted a photograph of me standing outside the grocery store having a break for a cigarette ... hoping that Herr Sass won't see me doing it. Love and kisses. Rosie. 

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