Dienstag, November 29

Page Thirty-Seven: Murder and Mystery in Berlin!

Hello M. Last week things started to happen in Berlin. Apparently somebody found a dead woman under Schloss Brucke. I heard that the woman found was identified as frau Stephanie Helstein. I met frau Helstein several times, and I found her very charming but rather nervous and a bit depressed from time to time. I was very shocked when I heard about her murder on the wireless. Frau Yardley told me yesterday that the polizei actually were getting close to an arrest of some sort. 

The very same day but a bit later I found a woman who had passed out by the Spree along Fischerstrasse. She was wet and cold and very confused. She had lost her memory and I helped her home to our house and gave her something hot to drink and the opportunity to get her clothes dry. She claimed that her father was Nikolaj Romanov! Like the late Russian tsar! I mentioned the names of the tsar's children and she reacted when I mentioned the name "Anastasia". All very weird! They were all murdered eleven years ago, surely! Gustov came home and talked to her and tried to help her remember, and he told me later that she did have a Moscow accent and not a St Petersburg accent which the young Anastasia Romanova probably had. Titania, who's a doctor, also came over and had a look at her, but could notice that the young woman was not physically hurt. I had to leave shortly thereafter, but shortly after my departure, the young woman left as well ... and she has not returned as far as i know. All very weird! Anyway, love you XXX Rosie

Montag, November 21

Page Thirty-Six: I am going to become a mother!

Dear M. Around the days of the wedding I started feeling bad. I felt sick and had problems keeping my breakfast, but I just thought it was due to nervousness about the upcoming wedding. Anyway, after the wedding the same thing kept happening so I went to a doctor, who told me that I was five weeks pregnant. That was a BIT awkward since we were just one week married ... so you get it, dear M. Yes, we had been doing it before the wedding. Sorry, but we are only humans. Humans in love. Anyway, I told Gustov and he was filled with joy, but we thought we'd keep quiet about it for some time, so it would look as if it had been done the right way. But who am I (or who are we) kidding? Of course one of the nosy kids that hang around Friedrichstrasse witnessed one of my rushes out to the backyard toilet when I was having a morning sickness and then the talk was all over Berlin, and just shortly there after we had to give up and announce the news. I have heard gossip that Frau Yardley has been talking about me being pregnant so shortly after the wedding, but I kinda expected that. And we have ourselves to blame I guess ... but you know what, dear M? I don't CARE! I'm going to become a mother ... and you dear M, you will be a grand-mother! All my loving and XXX Rosie

Freitag, November 11

Page Thirty-Five: The Wedding!

Dear M, so sorry for letting you wait for my report like this, but straight after the wedding me and Gustov were busy with going on our honeymoon and I forgot to pack this diary. Yeah ... very sloppy of me, I know, but never mind: I'm happy to tell you that everything went according to all the plans. It took some time to start though, since everybody needed to get there and get ready and we had to wait for one of the bridesmaids. Father was there and looked after me before the wedding, and helped me with the wedding dress. I had to put it on at the library and then I had to wait there until it was time to start. Then I had to wait outside the church before we all started and it was very, very, very nervous. But when we finally got started - but when it all had started it went like a dream. Noone of us fainted and we said the right things at the right places. The church was full of Berlin friends and they helped us celebrate at der Keller afterwards, and we did a short visit at Club Eldorado afterwards, but then me and Gustov decided to leave and we took the train to a lovely and warm beach (how on earth we managed to find that in Germany in the beginning of November is a thing I'll never understand, but we did it nevertheless) and had a lovely time there. We have had some more great days travelling around, seeing things and had some real quality time together. I really love him and it feels as if I have found my place in the universe. Love you XXX Rosie (Chesnokova!)

PS. Oh yeah ... almost forgot. Herr von Trumper took a series of wonderful photographs during the wedding ceremony (and before and just after it as well) so I have included a picture of me and Gustov getting married and also a pic of ole daddy for you to enjoy! DS.

Samstag, November 5

Page Thirty-Four: Oh there you are?

Hello dear M. Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you and then I find you hidden under the carpet downstairs. How on earth did you end up there? Anyway, tonight's the night ... when I switch from the herb thyme to garlic. What am I talking about? Well ... dear M ... chesnok in Russian means garlic, so I'll be Mrs Garlic after tonight's wedding ... or rather frau Chesnokova. I wish that you could be there too. Love you XXX. Your Rose.